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 Mobility, flexibility, compression, decompression


Introducing Stretched

Be prepared by coming in comfortable athletic clothing. After discussing goals, limitations, and injuries, you will be welcomed onto the mat or table. A comfortable, supportive position will be used to reduce discomfort or guarding.

The practitioner will warm up with gentle rocking, compressions, and movements. Gradually the body will be twisted, pulled, and bent into different positions. Always within a range of comfort. Sometimes passively. Sometimes actively. Sometimes working together.

The body will be approached from several different angles. Moving it in ways that are often unachievable alone. The intention is to work toward your personal goal along with increasing mobility. Resulting in better movement and flexibility. It also tends to relieve pain from holding patterns, injury guarding, and repetitive activities. This bodywork approach is meant to reach deep into tissue and joint structures for lasting changes.



  • Relaxing, yet energizing

  • Easier body movements

  • Encourage lymph drainage and circulation

  • Increasing range of motion and general flexibility

  • Improving joint spacing and stability

  • Balance muscular positioning

  • Better posture


Stretching is for everyone

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